Nov 3, 2010

Anneelaw, first stage

Above, the first stage: "arm" bent and covered with ruched hand dyed hollyhock silk, below, the embroidered hand being attached.

Above, the giant bobbin, below, the "Canadian Collar"--it's cold here!!! :)
Behind the scenes, i have been diligently working on MaryAnne‘s figure. I had no clue where to start—such a unique figure to begin with! Originally part of a lamp, MaryAnne mentioned that i could take the “head” off. I surmised that that also meant i could bend wires to alter as well, so left her head where it is and have created a special arm for her.

I thought i’d play on the fact that Anneelaw did start as a lamp: illumination, vision and well lit paths are coming into focus here then. The hand that “sees” intuitively and the eye that creates are working together to invent and map the explorations and experiments. She will hold a giant bobbin of hand twisted cording and naturally dyed embroidery floss, and carry a pen sheathed in her “back”, threads to mark or record the journey, and pen (being mightier than sword) to chronicle or defend.

She’s not quite done yet, so i’ll post a picture later this afternoon. She then moves on to California to Robyn for her next addition.


Mosaic Magpie said...

I was wondering what would become of Anneelaw. What an insightful girl she is becoming!

Robyn Coburn Writer/Artist said...

I'm very keen to receive her.